“Book Ban Hoax” To target Florida’s School Principals
First they came for the teachers, threatening their professional teaching certificate if they provided classroom instruction to students in grades K through 12 on sexual orientation or gender identity or used the wrong personal titles or pronouns in educational institutions.
Then they came for the librarians, threatening them with 3rd degree felonies and possible prison terms if students are exposed to ‘harmful materials” and urging them to “err on the side off caution” when choosing books for school libraries.
Now, it appears, they are coming for school principals.
On Friday, March 1st, at 10 AM, a State Board of Education Rule Developing Workshop will be held to amend 6A-10.081: Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida. The purpose “is to consider amendments clarifying the ethical principles that educators are bound by in the state of Florida, with particular emphasis on the obligation to the educator’s students. The development will include consideration of expanding the grounds for disciplinary action against school principals to address classroom practices that can harm students, such as denying students access to classroom materials, including classroom library materials, for reasons unrelated to the educational needs of a student.” While parents are encouraged to challenge books and teachers and librarians are threatened if they make certain books available to children, it seems that principals may be disciplined if they prevent children from having access to books that never should have been challenged in the first place… Oh Flori-duh…
As of this writing, the preliminary text of the proposed rule is not available, but it will be posted here when it is. In the meantime, you can leave comments here. There will also be time for public comments during the Rule Development teams meeting (details in the notice below can also be found here).

This is the current situation in Florida.
On February 15, 2024, Governor DeSantis and Education Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr, participated in a press conference where they sought to, once again, debunk the “Book Ban Hoax.” DeSantis also blamed “activists” and “the media” for perpetuating the hoax and abusing the book challenge process “in an effort to score cheap political points.” He mentioned challenges of dictionaries and classics, like “To Kill A Mockingbird” or Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” as examples of frivolous, politically motivated actions and called for a return to common sense.
Unfortunately, “common sense” left the building when HB1069 (passed in 2023 and codified in f.s. 1006.28) required that “any materials purchased pursuant to this section must be… free of depictions or descriptions of sexual conduct as defined in f.s. 847.001(19)…” (unless they are course materials that follow the state’s sex education standards.) Since then, books have been removed and/or restricted in some Florida public school libraries, not by the state, but primarily by school boards and district staff attempting to comply with the laws imposed by the state.
Per f.s. 847.001(19) : Definition of “Sexual conduct”:

This is why some of your favorite books or even the classics that you read in high school are showing up on lists of books challenged and/or removed from district classroom or libraries across Florida. Books, even classics, have been challenged, restricted and/or removed in public school libraries across Florida – not because they were pornography but because they contained passages describing “sexual conduct.” Orange County School Board member, Alicia Farrant, who stood with Governor DeSantis during the 2/15 presser, has, herself, challenged books and supported their removal simply because they describe “sexual conduct.”
Of note, f.s. 1006.28 , does not mention books on the State’s Recommended Reading List as exempt from possible challenges and “Romeo and Juliet” and the dictionary definitely depict and describe sexual conduct as defined in s. 847.001(19). The problem is not activists trying to score cheap political points as much as it is poorly written legislation and lack of clear implementation guidance.
It is VERY difficult to “err on the side of caution” and, simultaneously, rely on “common sense” in the politically charged environment that school librarians and educators find themselves in, especially when their livelihoods are threatened if their choices are challenged.
How will the Governor and the Commissioner work to return “common sense” to the curation of books for school libraries? They could provide clear guidance to districts and librarians beyond “err on the side of caution.” They could repeal the “sexual conduct” language from last year’s HB1069. But no, according to the accompanying press release:
To further streamline the parental objection process and shield districts from activism, Governor DeSantis:
- Directed the Department of Education to take the appropriate action to prohibit bad actors in school leadership positions from intentionally depriving students of an education by politicizing the book review process.
- Called on the legislature to enact policy that prioritizes parents’ voices by limiting bad-faith objections made by those who don’t have children learning in Florida.
The “bad actors in school leadership positions” accused of “politicizing the book review process” and “intentionally depriving students of an education” are the school principals they are about to target through rule making.
As for limiting “bad faith objections” made by those who don’t have children in public schools, it is unclear what the plan is. Governor DeSantis had voiced support for HB7025’s proposal to limit frivolous book challenges by, allowing school districts to assess a processing fee of $100 for each objection to any material someone without a student enrolled in the school, if that individual had unsuccessfully objected to five materials during the calendar year. The bill would have required the district to return the fee if the objection is upheld. On 2/23/24, HB7025’s sponsor, Rep. Trabulsy, filed a strike-all amendment to HB7025’s companion, SB7004, which removed the $100 fee but limited non-parents to one book challenge per month. That amendment was withdrawn today and another strike-all was filed that removed the limits to non-parents, the $100 processing fee and any measure to reduce frivolous book challenges. So we are back to square one.
SB7004, which unanimously passed the Senate on January 10th, is scheduled to be heard this Thursday on the House floor.
Over the weekend, I attended a school board conference in Dallas. The Keynote speaker spoke about “Fearless Leadership” and the importance of psychological safety. He said:
- When people are afraid, they cannot learn
- Adults telegraph their anxieties to students and one another
- Fear is a contagious disease.
The bottom line: in a fearful environment, neither students nor adults can learn.
Fear is not a great way to run a school system. More threats to teachers, librarians and (now) principals will NOT return “common sense” to the curation of books for school libraries. More threats will will only create more fear.
Please consider commenting on the Board of Education Rule expanding disciplinary actions against principals.
Are the Department of Education Nazis in the room with us right now?
The Florida GOP this year has again increased funding for public education and reduced regulations for public schools. It’s time to stop living in fear, grifter
I didn’t call anyone a nazi. The regulation bills and the budget bills are yet to be passed. Stay tuned.
The new proposed rule, released this morning, is nearly as vague as the original bills that caused this mess: ““a school principal shall not prevent, direct anyone to prevent, or allow anyone to prevent students from accessing educational materials without legal cause to do so.” This rule will cause more fear and disruption in our schools.
No, you didn’t “call anyone a Nazi” – you just accidentally opened this blog with an homage to the opening of the 1946 Niemoller poem about non-Nazi German’s silence in the face of the Nazi rise. Total coincidence, right grifter? ?
I don’t think you are interested in discussing the culture of fear that has been imposed by these policies and its impact on public schools. That is what the blog was about. Do you believe the confusion caused by these laws is being manufactured by school principals? I also don’t think you understand the definition of “grift” but you be you. Enjoy the weekend my special little anonymous troll.
Is that an acknowledgement that you were actually making a Nazi reference about Florida officials you “politically” disagree with? Why did you pretend like you weren’t? You think people are that stupid? My guess is because near everything on this blog is written in bad faith and all the “evils” you write about are a projection of your own desire of how much you want to impose power over others. So no, no one with functioning rationality believes in a “culture of fear” – more fever swamp conspiracy nonsense. People should read these blogs and assume the exact opposite of what you say is the truth and will be correct a startling amount of time.
It is rich that you refer to me as being a conspiracy theorist. I believe we first “met” when you were defending James Lindsay and his crazy theories equating public education with Marxist Indoctrination Camps. More and more your comments are sounding like “projection.” According to Freud, projection, in its malignant forms, is a defense mechanism in which the ego defends itself against disowned and highly negative parts of the self by denying their existence in themselves and attributing them to others, breeding misunderstanding and causing untold interpersonal damage. Psychotherapy might help you with that, that is if you want help.
As for this comment, I guess your answer is “no” you are not interested in discussing the impact of the culture of fear, imposed by these policies, on our public schools. Thanks again for constantly being one of my most loyal readers, even if you are a troll.
Everyone is familiar with your tired misdirection argument tactics that would never pass the grade in a classroom when facing questions that you do not want to answer. So with that tired tactic deployed here again, it’s now clear to all other readers – you were alluding to Nazis and their horrifying totalitarianism and ethnic cleansing at the top of this blog as a comparison to the actions of education officials in Florida you disagree with. That is what you were doing. Seen and understood. Word spreads.
Troll on.
This isn’t trolling. It’s an active awareness campaign for anyone who might be unaware of exactly where you really stand when pressed on your positions. A reminder that you are on the same crusade as your fellow intellectual heavyweights like Piper –
Imagine reading that, or any of these comments, where you’re constantly exposed and thinking you and Piper should have any power over the policies relating to other children’s education whatsoever. Completely empty intellectual vessles, devoid of any critical thought, consumed by fascists conspiracies, constantly lying and deflecting. Own it.
Nope, it’s trolling. But again, thanks for reading.
Another thread where you proudly and intelligently represented yourself and your positions, for sure. Show it to Piper and celebrate the success!